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Symbol similar to a little star used in written texts to draw the reader's attention
Jo Alexander, born in Barcelona, published her first novel, Extrañas Criaturas (Strange Creatures, 1998) in Grijalbo Mondadori. As a result of this publication she became part of the group of writers Germanes Quintana, with whom she published the books of stories Zel, Por and Llibre de família (Zeal, Fear and Family Book, 1999, 2000 and 2002 respectively, Columna ). Likewise, she began to work as a screenwriter with Andreu Buenafuente and from there she jumped to the screen on City TV network. She founded the pop group Glamor, very active in the Barcelona scene at the turn of the millennium, and has never stopped composing. While she was working in the public radio of Catalunya she published her second novel in Quaderns Crema, L’ hivernacle (The Greenhouse, 2009), this time originally written in Catalan. For three years she wrote a column on literature in the weekly supplement of La Vanguardia and some interviews in the magazine Primera Línea, as well as companion texts of the works of photographers such as Alberto García-Alix or Jordi Barón. Her third novel, Palas y Héctor (Pallas and Hector, 2018), is published in Acantilado.
Now, in the return to the scene of the Germanes Quintana, Alexander opens the story book Assassines (Columna, 2024).

Books by Jo Alexander