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Symbol similar to a little star used in written texts to draw the reader's attention

White Ravens 2022!

Mira is ten years old, curious and very critical on the world around her. She likes to watch, but not to be watched. And she is very shy. Exaggeratedly. She can't stand being the center of attention. What she likes is to draw, and with a pencil in her hand her hours fly by. So when her parents enroll her in the town dance academy, the world falls on her. But Mira is also proud and she accepts the challenge: who knows if she in the end dancing she will help her lose her shame.

Tina Vallès doesn’t fall into the trap of developing a story that has already been told in many variations. No, real life is not so simple and straightforward. Instead, this children’s book offers a differentiated picture of a protagonist who does not experience a sudden metamorphosis that is foreign to her nature, but rather cautiously feels her way forward.


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