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With this informative essay, Gemma Lienas continues to give voice to a feminism that does not want to be overshadowed. From the gaze of a girl who was born in the early 1950s, who was a young woman during the transition from dictatorship to the early years of democracy, and elder at the time of the organized attacks against feminism, the author evokes the history of a generation of women who fought for equality between women and men to be legal and real.

A book full of information, thoughtful, serene, personal, that portrays a historical struggle of some women who, like her, had to start breaking stones in a field in which the open roads were sporadic and that now, as older, continue in the fight and see the future somewhat uncertain.

Pages that are also intended to be a memory for young women, so that they do not forget that the rights won by women are fragile and can be lost at any time.

Autobiography of a generation of women.
Not a step back: the feminist revolution continues.

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