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And the year begins and we can't wait telling you about our new and promising titles. Some of the umissable books of 2018 will be:

-I am the one who killed Franco by Joan-Lluís Lluís, a literary jewel that just received the most important literary award in Catalan Literature, Sant Jordi Award.
-100 questions about cancer, Macip and Closa, with 100 clear, concise and didactic answers on a topic that concerns us all. Both authors are recognized scientist with a long and experienced career in the field.
-Alana & Alada, by Bel Olid, a sweet story about freedom.
-Rescue in Katxtaxof, by Macip & Llort. Fourth and last book of this hilarious series of Arman and his pet, Tim, a naughty lemur.

All are coming very soon meanwhile we will keep you updated. Don't get too anxious, we will be back! cool