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Three is a magic number, right? So, please count with us!
In Asterisc Agents we have just received:

3 new lovely books
--Melissa & Nicole, by David Nel·lo, Prudenci Bertrana Award
--El libro de las emociones, by Gemma Lienas
--Crac, by Tina Vallès

And 3rd edition of 3 books published within this year!
--La memoria del árbol, by Tina Vallès, Llibres Anagrama Award
--La tribu de los Zippoli, by David Nel·lo
--Feminisme de butxaca by Bel Olid

Can anyone ask for more as Christmas present?

(NOTE FOR FOREIGN PUBLISHERS: 4 of them are already in Spanish, 2 in French & others have sample translations. All at your disposal! wink)